Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where have you been all my life?

In the title of my post, I'm speaking to banana soft serve. This come's from Gena's blog and it will change your life. Last night, about an hour after I finished my turkey burger, while watching So You Think You Can Dance, I got a hankering for something sweet. I figured I'd give the famous banana soft serve a try.
Wow! This was delicious! I have to admit, it didn't come together as quickly and easily as some other bloggers said it would. Maybe it's my food processor. I had to add a splash of vanilla soy milk to get things going. The bananas would rise up above the blade, so there was a lot of scraping down. The result, however, was well worth it! It was so creamy, I couldn't believe it was just bananas and a splash of soy! Even my husband liked it (and he's a tough critic)! I will definitely be making this again.

On to this morning's breakfast.

I had a green monster. My monster included the classic cast of characters:

  • Organic baby spinach
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze
  • 1 T ground flaxseed
  • 1 T Amazing Meal Original
  • 1 T raw almond butter
  • 1 frozen banana
All went for a little frolic in the magic bullet.

I have to say, I love my bullet. I got it as a gift about four years ago. When I moved after getting married, I forgot I had it! I had been making my monsters in the blender, but the bullet is so easy to clean up. And honestly, it does a better job in less time!

it has its own cup! No extra dishes to clean! I enjoyed my monster outside in the sunshine, which is a rare commodity here in New York these past few days. Afterward, I had a cup of Tazo "Om" tea. It's a blend of black and green teas with some fruity flavors.
I am not quite sure what I'm going to do today. It's sunny, so that tells me to go to the beach. We'll see. Right now, I'll take the pup for a walk and see how I feel. I should probably clean the mountains of paper off the computer desk.

Yikes! I think that's a must!

Tonight, I'm going to a salsa class with some of my girlfriends. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to it!